Appeal to Local Businesses for Loose Parts
At Pinner Park Primary School, we have recently embarked on a new project to develop our outdoor play provision. We are reimagining our outdoor space to be a place that can empower our children’s creativity. To do this, we are collecting loose parts: a variety of different materials and objects that the children can move, carry, combine, redesign, line-up, take apart and put back together in multiple ways.
In addition to our immediate school community, we are now reaching out to local businesses to support us with donations of loose parts. These do not need to be new or costly, simply waste materials, spares or unused items that may be unfit for use or surplus.
Below are some pictures of 'loose parts' in action. You can find further information about our approach to outdoor play by looking at the OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) website. You can see videos from schools who have already developed their play. We are partnering with OPAL to transform our play!
Changes in culture and society have led to ‘play poverty’ in childhood. With children’s natural curiosity and creativity, using loose parts will support brain development, scientific experimenting, mathematical thought and risk-benefit assessment, as well as providing a wider variety of play opportunities for the children to engage in.
If this is something you are able to support us with, please do contact us. If you have some loose parts to donate, please contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time for delivery or collection. We will ensure that any contact follows the social distancing guidelines.
School Contact:
Lucy Jenkins, Assistant Headteacher
0208 863 2191
[email protected]
In addition to our immediate school community, we are now reaching out to local businesses to support us with donations of loose parts. These do not need to be new or costly, simply waste materials, spares or unused items that may be unfit for use or surplus.
Below are some pictures of 'loose parts' in action. You can find further information about our approach to outdoor play by looking at the OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) website. You can see videos from schools who have already developed their play. We are partnering with OPAL to transform our play!
Changes in culture and society have led to ‘play poverty’ in childhood. With children’s natural curiosity and creativity, using loose parts will support brain development, scientific experimenting, mathematical thought and risk-benefit assessment, as well as providing a wider variety of play opportunities for the children to engage in.
If this is something you are able to support us with, please do contact us. If you have some loose parts to donate, please contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time for delivery or collection. We will ensure that any contact follows the social distancing guidelines.
School Contact:
Lucy Jenkins, Assistant Headteacher
0208 863 2191
[email protected]