We continue to use DB Primary as our main learning platform for sharing learning activities. Over time, we will introduce Microsoft Teams as an additional solution.
Each week, the teachers are undertaking additional planning which considers the needs of children who are at home. The activities and resources will be shared through DB Primary. Each year group will have a new ‘community’ on DB Primary which will be a ‘Remote Learning Community’. If your child is unable to attend school because he or she is self-isolating, you will be able to log into this community and access the materials for each day.
If an entire class is required to self-isolate, then the classroom staff will supplement the online materials with more content, including the option of a live class session through Microsoft Teams. Information will be sent to parent should this be required.
The senior leader with overall responsibility for remote learning is Nick Waldron, headteacher.
Click here to read our Remote Learning Policy
Each week, the teachers are undertaking additional planning which considers the needs of children who are at home. The activities and resources will be shared through DB Primary. Each year group will have a new ‘community’ on DB Primary which will be a ‘Remote Learning Community’. If your child is unable to attend school because he or she is self-isolating, you will be able to log into this community and access the materials for each day.
If an entire class is required to self-isolate, then the classroom staff will supplement the online materials with more content, including the option of a live class session through Microsoft Teams. Information will be sent to parent should this be required.
The senior leader with overall responsibility for remote learning is Nick Waldron, headteacher.
Click here to read our Remote Learning Policy
How to Access Remote Learning on DB Primary
These three slides give step by step instructions for accessing the files through DB Primary.
Remote learning projects from 2020
If you would like to use some of the resources we prepared for our classes during the first lock down, please click below.
Click here to access the home learning pages from last academic year.
If you would like to use some of the resources we prepared for our classes during the first lock down, please click below.
Click here to access the home learning pages from last academic year.