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Please use the weekly Learning Project as your principle source of home learning. You can supplement this with the range of activities on our home learning page, or your own additional activities. Please remember to keep reading regularly too!
Weekly Learning Project
Please remember that young children learn best with short, fun activities which keep them active and engaged! 15-20 minutes on any single activity is plenty, so do keep mixing it up. Please include lots of play activities - children learn well through play.
Fabulous Maths Resources
White Rose Maths
Mathematics lessons linked to the Pinner Park maths curriculum. These are designed for children in Early Years:
Numberblocks, first broadcast in January 2017, is a pre-school BBC television series aimed at introducing children to early number. The programmes are ideal for children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1. We recommend starting at series 1, episode 1 and watching one each day. They are brilliant! They also support the way in which early maths is taught in school
Further Numberblocks activities:
Other Resources