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Please use the weekly Learning Project as your principle source of home learning. You can supplement this with the range of activities on our home learning page, or your own additional activities. Please remember to keep reading regularly too!
Weekly Learning Projects
Fabulous Maths Resources
White Rose Maths
Daily mathematics lessons linked to the Pinner Park maths curriculum. Work through the lessons in order. No more than one each day.
Numberblocks, first broadcast in January 2017, is a pre-school BBC television series aimed at introducing children to early number. The programmes are ideal for children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1. We recommend starting at series 1, episode 1 and watching one each day. They are brilliant! They also support the way in which early maths is taught in school
Further Numberblocks activities:
Fabulous Phonics Resources
Letters and Sounds Online Phonic Lessons
In school, children have a daily phonics lesson based on the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme. There are now daily phonics lessons available through YouTube which match the learning in school. The lessons are approved and funded by the Department for Education. We woul recommend that children take part in a daily lesson.
Kids learning to read should have fun with `Alphablocks', 26 living letters who emerge from the sky onto an empty, white world and discover that if they hold hands and make a word, it comes to life. There are also songs, stories and games to entertain and educate. The programmes are ideal for children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1. We recommend starting at series 1, episode 1 and watching one each day.
Phonics Play
Phonics Play have a wide range of phonics games which your child will enjoy. Children in Year 1 were taught phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Reception and now are working at phase 5. Please select any of these phases to revise and practise phonics, letters and sounds.
The site is currently free to access using these log in details.
Username: march20
Password: home
Letters and Sounds Online Phonic Lessons
In school, children have a daily phonics lesson based on the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme. There are now daily phonics lessons available through YouTube which match the learning in school. The lessons are approved and funded by the Department for Education. We woul recommend that children take part in a daily lesson.
Kids learning to read should have fun with `Alphablocks', 26 living letters who emerge from the sky onto an empty, white world and discover that if they hold hands and make a word, it comes to life. There are also songs, stories and games to entertain and educate. The programmes are ideal for children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1. We recommend starting at series 1, episode 1 and watching one each day.
Phonics Play
Phonics Play have a wide range of phonics games which your child will enjoy. Children in Year 1 were taught phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Reception and now are working at phase 5. Please select any of these phases to revise and practise phonics, letters and sounds.
The site is currently free to access using these log in details.
Username: march20
Password: home
Other Resources for Year 1
Here are some resources that the children are familiar with using at school. They will talk you through anything that doesn’t make sense to you!
The children use the word and sound mat resources when they do writing activities at school, so please also use them when doing the weekly home activities.
Included are some lists of words the children are expected to read and spell by the end of Year 1, so no need to go through them all at once. You could make them into flash cards, pin them up around the house, as well as playing games to get the children familiar with them.
There is also a double page of words to read. These words use the phonics sounds the children learnt in reception as well as the alternative sounds (phase 5) that they are still learning in Year 1. The children should be able to use these sounds to read any word whether it be real or made up. To help the children realise it’s a made up word it has a picture of an alien next to it, so we call them alien words to the children.
Thank you for your continuing support with your children’s learning.
The children use the word and sound mat resources when they do writing activities at school, so please also use them when doing the weekly home activities.
Included are some lists of words the children are expected to read and spell by the end of Year 1, so no need to go through them all at once. You could make them into flash cards, pin them up around the house, as well as playing games to get the children familiar with them.
There is also a double page of words to read. These words use the phonics sounds the children learnt in reception as well as the alternative sounds (phase 5) that they are still learning in Year 1. The children should be able to use these sounds to read any word whether it be real or made up. To help the children realise it’s a made up word it has a picture of an alien next to it, so we call them alien words to the children.
Thank you for your continuing support with your children’s learning.