On Tuesday 24 January, a number of musicians from Pinner Park spent the day at Nower Hill School. They participated in orchestral workshops and then performed to parents and friends in the afternoon. We want to say a huge well done to those students. They are wonderful musicians and they also represented Pinner Park brilliantly. Thank you to Mrs Matty for planning the event for the children. If your child features in any of these pictures and you would prefer them not to. Please contact us through the school office and we will remove it immediately and without question.
On Tuesday 24 January, a group of Year 5 and Year 6 children took part in a Sports Hall Athletics competition at Harrow Leisure Centre. The children competed superbly and also represented the school fantastically. Out of 14 schools, our Pinner Park team finished 4th overall. Well done team! Thank you to Mrs Holland and Mrs Saunders for organising our team and accompanying the children. If your child features in any of these pictures and you would prefer them not to. Please contact us through the school office and we will remove it immediately and without question.
Thank you to those parents who joined us for our Parent Briefing. The presentation slides are available to download below. The video is a quickly narrated version of the slides.
Thanks to those parents who joined us online for our parent briefing. Below is a narrated version of the presentation and also the opportunity to download the presentation slides.
Thanks to those parents who joined us online for our parent briefing. Below is a narrated version of the presentation and also the opportunity to download the presentation slides.
Well done to all those families who took part in our 'Big Christmas Family Quiz' over the holiday. We were very impressed with the number of families who participated and we enjoyed looking through all your answers. A number of families were very close to full marks and we know that some children attempted the quiz with no adult help and also did really well! We'll be sending a certificate home to every family who attempted the quiz. The quiz raised just over £200 which will be spent on resources for playtimes. Thank you. You can check your answers by clicking the link below.
July 2024