This Saturday is a Tag Party in Alexandra Park, worth 6,000 points!
You only have to look out for 1 of the 6k points tag, plus you can collect the standard tags in the park if available. Send a selfie of you in the park, within 72 hours, to @StreetTagHQ to claim 2,000 bonus points. Use #SelfiePark when sending your selfie, and include your username and tell them you’re part of the Harrow Schools Leaderboard. The tag will only be available for 30 between 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. At 10:30am on Saturday, please click the "Download Tags" button on the mid-right side of the app's map on the home screen. This will ensure that you have all the latest Saturday Tag Party tags on your app within the vicinity of the park. Tags are stored locally on your device, and it's therefore essential that you are on online mode and use the DOWNLOAD TAG button at 10:30am on Saturday. In September, Pinner Park Primary School children joined with delegations of children from 12 primary schools from across the country and attended the first ever YESfest (Youth Eco Summit Festival), held at West Lodge Primary School. The event brought young people together with the aim of deepening their understanding of our relationship with the natural world, sharing ideas on the things they are doing already to make a difference for the planet and inspiring each other to take further action in their schools and communities. The children attended sessions on nature connection, wildlife identification, and taking climate action in their schools and communities. With thanks to all participating schools and our contributors at: Eden Project Cornwall; Portland Education; Harrow Nature Heroes; Chris Holland Nature Connection and The Green Schools Project. We are delighted to join with this excellent venture which fits so neatly with our commitment to biodiversity and sustainability education. Our Year 4 children 'visited' Ancient Egypt as part of their learning in history today. It was a fun, and very informative visit! The Year 1 children have been on an Autumn walk to support their learning in geography and science. They visited Headstone Park and used their map skills along the way. We've been making the most of some Autumn sunshine to enjoy some great play times! Our aim is that every child in has amazing high-quality play every day. The children in the pictures certainly seem to be enjoying their play! We enjoyed celebrating Mr Nourish's birthday last week and it was great to see him in school today. We were able to share our birthday cards with him and also learn all about healthy eating in our assemblies. Thank you to all the parents who joined their children for our presentation and discussion about online safety. The resources are all available to view here, including a recording of the presentation. ![]()
December 2024